The Flywire House: A case study in design against bushfire

AU$ 18

AU$ 18.00

Originally published in 1991, this classic book has been reprinted and is still compatible with latest understandings, providing a unique case study approach.

A new foreword reviews the material in the context of the devastating 2009 ‘Black Saturday’ bushfires in Victoria, Australia.

Binding: Spiral
Discount: 35%. Fair Share model.


In 1983 permaculture co-originator David Holmgren responded to the tragic Ash Wednesday fires with a project called The Flywire House. The case study design property had been burnt out in the catastrophic fires in the Dandenong Ranges of Victoria. The ideas are applicable to all fire prone regions.

It was an opportunity to showcase permaculture as a wholistic, integrated approach that went well beyond simple house design and construction. Teaming up with architect Maggie Fooke, the book covers; Fire Behaviour, How A House Burns, Choosing The Site, Site Layout, Broadscale Plantings, Water & Fire, Plantings & Services, House Design, Construction and Management.

It was used by the Department of Planning in a travelling display of information that toured the bushfire affected regions of Victoria. The design also informed much of David Holmgren’s design work including his own property Melliodora, documented in an extensive case study.


About the author

David Holmgren is best known as the co-originator with Bill Mollison of the permaculture concept following the publication of Permaculture One in 1978. Within the growing and international permaculture movement, David is respected for his commitment to presenting permaculture ideas through practical projects and teaching by personal example, that a sustainable lifestyle is a realistic, attractive and powerful alternative to dependent consumerism. As well as constant involvement in the practical side of permaculture, David is passionate about the philosophical and conceptual foundations for sustainability, which he explored in Future Scenarios (2009), and Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability (2003/2017) and his most recent book RetroSuburbia (2018). With an increasingly high profile as a public speaker, David Holmgren provides leadership with his refreshing and unorthodox approach to the environmental issues of our time. David lives with his partner Su Dennett at “Melliodora“, a one-hectare permaculture demonstration site at Hepburn Springs, Central Victoria, Australia. Visit his web site at See David’s titles here.

Additional information

Weight .115 kg
Dimensions 297 × 210 × 9 mm